

Our system solves the issue of managing employee attendance, work schedules, and weekly breaks. Employees' data are available to be entered in the form of a whole department, branch complex, a group of workers to be selected, or individually. Employees’ flexible work schedule on different dates is allowed within for a single employee or multiple also in single departments or several departments. The system holds The organization's regulations and policies which are applied to the calculations of delays, pre-date departing, departing time, working day-offs, official holidays, working hours, working days, employee contract also unauthorized absence.

Our Core Features


Withdraw attendance and departure data from one or more machines within a specified period.


The names of employees are linked to their fingerprints on the machine through an identification number for each worker that does not recur. (


The names on the fingerprint machine can be reviewed and compared to the names on the program.


Connect fingerprint machines from different locations to a single database.


Addressing different work schedules for employees.


  1. Attendance reports (during a certain period).
  2. Employee data report (categories – kind of jobs – date of work – religion).
  3. Over-time data reports.
  4. Employee delay reports.
  5. Branches or department data reports.