Smart human resource (H.R)


Our HR solution is compatible with any organization. It defines the administrative structure of the organization. Defining employees' data in various branches/departments within a database. Creating employee files including (job information and links to the administrative structure - contact information - work time data - Personal data - insurances and taxes data - family data - any additional data). Our solution maintains employee recruitment grounds, it’s powerful solution that help the Hr department to reach to any employee.

Our Core Features


Accuracy and credibility in attendance and departure records.


Dealing more professionally with the human resources department of the organization.


real - time possibility for bosses to inquire about everything in human resources management.


Reduce the handling of paper files and replace them in more efficient ways which saves data.


Reducing time and effort to calculate employees' salaries


  1. Data reports of employees in different branches and departments.
  2. Data reports of workers leaving work.
  3. Monthly permissions reports for employees.
  4. Attendance and departure reports.
  5. Attendance violation reports.
  6. Reports of departure time and work on day offs and public holidays.
  7. Benefit reports and deductions at the level of a single employee, department or branch during a period.
  8. Employee vacation reports.

How it works

1- data on papers

2- Personal permission

3- Attendance and Departure
